Premium Pet Supplies

Choosing the Right Dog for You

It is a very exciting time when thinking about getting a dog. You may already have a breed in mind, but what are the main considerations to think about when choosing a dog.

Firstly, would an adult dog or a puppy suit you? If you have never owned a dog before, puppies can be much more of a handful than anticipated, thus an adult dog may be more suitable to start with. Also think about whether a male or female dog would be best for you – both have their own needs and characteristics. It is best to consider these with a reputable breeder or vet.

Think about the appropriate size of dog you could own – if you live in a small apartment, a huge golden retriever may not be happy in your home. If you have children or go away from home a lot (such as for business purposes) also think about which breed would suit.

Something often overlooked is the style of coat the dog has – long or short, moult or non-moult, these are all things prospective owners should think about. Could you cope with vacuuming up dog hair twice a day?